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Board of Education Core Beliefs and Commitments

Board of Education  >  Core Beliefs and Commitments

The Board of Education’s core beliefs and commitments reflect the potential of our students; the purpose of public education; the impact of our teachers, leaders, schools and district on student achievement; and the Board of Education’s duty to promote a culture of high expectations and accountability. They also set forth our commitment to act on these beliefs to achieve our vision to prepare and inspire all of our students to innovate locally and contribute globally.

Board of Education president and commissioners congratulate graduates


All students can learn and achieve at high levels.
Teaching and learning is our core business.
Education is an essential to improve future life opportunities.
Teachers have the greatest impact on student achievement.
Effective leaders produce excellent results for our children.
A high-performing organization produces a legacy of enduring greatness.
That the involvement of families and community partners is vital to improving student outcomes.
Positive, supportive cultures are created by the actions of each of us and are essential to teaching and learning.
The diversity of our students and families is a strength of our district.
In discovering, valuing, and building on each child’s gifts so that each child can reach his or her fullest potential
In evidence-based decision making to ensure continuous improvement at all levels.
In the value of families as their children’s first teachers.
In equity and ensuring opportunities for all.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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