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Henninger Tiered System of Supports

Tier 1
Universal Supports
Schoolwide and classroom practices that promote the development and practice of pro-social behaviors, self-discipline, habits of learning, and healthy well-being.
Allia Abughoush
Dignity Act Coordinator
Kim Goldman/Craig Heckman
Dignity Act Coordinator
Jeffrey Petties
Student Support Center Staff
Sue Sturgeon/Leah Drazek/Robert Mallory/Jason Hitzfield/Tamara Rowser-Davis/ 
School Counselors, Tiers 1,2,3
Program Aide, Office of Family Engagement
Tier 2
Targeted Supports
Coordinated supports that match students’ social, emotional, and mental health needs to address the root cause of an issue.
Ka’La Pierce
PromiseZone Specialist
Marisa Maloof
Jaime Commisso
Special Education Liaison
Kim Goldman/Monique Stevens/Sherea Roberts
Social Worker, Tiers 1,2,3
Allia Abughoush
Section 504 Administrator and Liaison
Carl Mannino
Section 504 Liaison
Tier 3
Intensive Supports
Intensive, specialized support.
Bri-Anna Bostic 
Mental Health Clinician- Liberty Resources
Dennis Bardenett
ACCESS Liaison
Willie Hordge
Student Support for Student Success, School/Family
Ivanelys Encarnacion
Family Support for Student Success, School/Family
Carl Mannino
School Psychologist
Patrick McCarthy/Reyanah Brown,  Yanelly Ruiz
Hillside Youth Advocates
Kayla Cunningham, Yut Yang
Student Assistance Counselors
Tiers 1,2,3
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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