Enrichment and Genius Hour
The Syracuse Latin School implements Enrichment Clusters as part of the School-Wide Enrichment Model (SEM). The SEM focuses on enrichment for all students through high levels of engagement and the use of enjoyable and challenging learning experiences that are constructed around students' interests, learning styles, and preferred modes of expression. We offer courses during each semester of the school-year. Students have the opportunity to choose the topic they would like to learn more about.Past Enrichment Clusters & Genius Hour Opportunities
In previous years, students have had the opportunity to choose from topics such as…
*Super-Hero Snackers
*Green Team
*Lego League
*Mad Scientists
*Fancy Words
*Autobiography writing
*Instrumental Music
*World Travel
*Just “Bead” Yourself (Jewelry Making)
*Weather “Fundations”
*Fundamentals of Basketball
*Cooking with Books
*Under the Sea