Van Duyn Elementary School
Principal Amanda Thomas |
Vice Principal Nicole Heath Dean of Students Zakia Richardson |
DASA Coordinators Molly Phelps Zakia Richardson |
Main Office (315) 435-4660 |
Attendance Office (315) 435-4660 |
Nurse's Office (315) 435-4618 |
School Hours 9:15 AM - 3:45 PM |
School Address 401 Loomis Ave. | Syracuse, NY 13207 |
Student and Family Supports are Available!
The SCSD has many academic, social, emotional and mental health supports available to students. School social workers can help connect you and your child to in school and/or out of school supports that meet your needs. Please call us at (315) 435-4660 and ask to speak with a Social Worker for more information and assistance.