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Student Support Services

Office of Student Support Services 
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210

Contact Info
(315) 435-4131

Chief of Student Support Services 
Dr. Laura Kelley

Deputy Chief of Student Support Services
Dr. Jerry Bell

Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
Bruno Primerano


Director of Student Support Services /McKinney Vento
Janel Milana

Karen Dotson

Director of Mental Health
Teresa Bowers


Hearing Office
Physical Address

1003 West Fayette Street
Syracuse, NY 13204
(Marcellus Street side)

Contact Info
(315) 435-6350

Director of Restorative Discipline
Rich Richardson

Assistant Director of Restorative Discipline
Victor Ciciarelli

Assistant Director of Alternate Education

Antwaun Dixon
(315) 435-6449


The Office of Student Support Services provides a comprehensive and integrated system of student support services readily accessible for implementation with students and their families, thereby enabling the Syracuse City Schools to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of all students.

This department is home to School Counselors, School Psychologists and Social Workers serving students in grades Pre-K through 12. 
School Counselors work to provide academic, career, college readiness, and personal/social competencies to K-12 students through a comprehensive school counseling program.
School Social Workers are trained professionals who assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy.
The department coordinates homebound services, Section 504, Special Education and students entering to or exiting from home schooling. The office also provides assistance to schools, regarding the oversight of Student Intervention Teams (SIT) and the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). We provide a range of services to students and families, assisting in making and strengthening relationships between community agencies, families, and school personnel.
Student Support Services assists schools in building a culture based on high expectations, respect, and co-accountability for performance that recognizes and rewards excellence at all levels of the organization.     

To learn more about the support staff available at your child's school, please select the school from the list below!

Bellevue ELMS ITC PSLA @ Fowler
Brighton Academy Franklin Lincoln Roberts
Clary Frazer McKinley-Brighton STEAM @ Dr. King
Corcoran Grant Meachem Syracuse Latin
Delaware Henninger Montessori @ LeMoyne Van Duyn
Dr. Weeks Huntington Nottingham Webster
Ed Smith HW Smith Porter


Student Support Community Partners

Access School Liaison

AccessCNY offers a variety of clinic services. Speech and Language Pathology services help individuals increase their communication abilities so they can participate more fully in all aspects of life. Therapy services assist to improve phonology and articulation, decrease stuttering, improve oral motor skills and improve receptive and expressive language skills.

(Bellevue, Brighton Academy, Clary, Corcoran, Delaware Primary, Dr. Weeks, Ed Smith, ELMS, Franklin, Frazer, Grant, Henninger, Huntington, HW Smith, ITC, LeMoyne/Montessori at LeMoyne, Lincoln, McCarthy at Beard, McKinley-Brighton, Meachem, Nottingham, Oasis Academy, Porter, PFLA, PSLA, Roberts, Salem Hyde, Seymour, STEAM at Dr. King, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett, Syracuse Latin, Van Duyn, Webster)

Contact YA

Youth Development Services seeks to improve student’s academic performance, behavior and social skills through academic tutoring, social and emotional support, classroom intervention and enrichment activities.

(Brighton Academy, Franklin, Frazer, McKinley-Brighton, Meachem, Porter, Seymour, Van Duyn, Webster)

The Good Life Foundation

The Good Life Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for “at-risk” youth, both male and female. Through partnerships and collaborations, we provide various services and programs with the purpose of encouraging successful and productive careers and life strategies for “at-risk” youth, with the ultimate goal of encouraging entrepreneurship as a means to reduce recidivism, escape from poverty and improve academic performance.



Peaceful Schools Community Schools Coordinator and Support

By building and sustaining vibrant learning communities with tiered systems of support, the School Improvement process brings focus to developing healthy individuals and communities as a primary goal of schools. Peaceful Schools partners with school leaders to ensure they have the tools that they need to lead effective change.

(Brighton Academy, Delaware Primary, Dr. Weeks, Frazer, Henninger, Lincoln, STEAM at Dr. King, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett)

Building Men

Our mission is to support young men of Syracuse in their journey towards becoming men of character by helping them develop their purpose and passion, instilling integrity in their leadership, and providing them with opportunities to build healthy relationships with others. Building Men strongly believes that developing a fellowship of young males striving to become responsible men will increase their motivation, passion, and leadership and help create a positive impact upon the young men’s development.

(Brighton Academy, Clary, Corcoran, ELMS, Frazer, Grant, Henninger, HW Smith, ITC, Lincoln, Nottingham, PSLA, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett)

Contact PAX/PA/PP

PAX Good Behavior Game teaches students self-regulation, self-control and self-management in the context of collaborating with others for peace, productivity, health and happiness. Positive Action is an evidence-based, integrated and coherent program that addresses the school’s entire eco-system – school, family and community. Primary Project helps children adjust to school, gain confidence, social skills and focus on learning. Through play, Primary Project addresses children’s school adjustment difficulties and increases their chances for success.

(Bellevue, Brighton Academy, Corcoran, Delaware Primary, Franklin, Frazer, Henninger, Huntington, HW Smith, ITC, Oasis Academy, PSLA, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett, Webster)

Engaging Schools

Engaging Schools is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with educators in middle and high schools. We help them create a schoolwide community of learning that integrates academic, social, and emotional development — and prepares each and every student to succeed.

(Bellvue, Ed Smith)


For over 30 years, Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection (HW-SC) has helped students overcome the barriers that cause them to drop out and abandon their education. We change the norm for students and families living in generational poverty by giving them necessary guidance and the tools to be successful in school – expanding their access to post secondary education, technical training and employment opportunities.

(Brighton Academy, Clary, Corcoran, Frazer, Grant, Henninger, ITC, Nottingham, Oasis Academy, PFLA, PSLA, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett)

Hope Specialists

This position functions within the Division of School Based Initiatives (SBI) in partnership with the Onondaga County Department of Children and Family Services and local school districts. This position provides supportive services to youth and families to ensure youth have all of the resources needed for academic success.

(Brighton Academy, Clary, Corcoran, Frazer, Grant, Henninger, Lincoln, Oasis Academy, PFLA, PSLA, Syracuse STEM at Blodgett)


McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center

McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center is a nonprofit organization working to end child abuse through intervention and education. For over 12 years, we have partnered with over 70 schools across Onondaga County, including the Syracuse City School District, to provide safety and child abuse prevention education to students in Pre-K through 12th grade. Our programs aim to help prevent child abuse by empowering children to utilize safety skills, educating adults and school personnel to recognize and respond appropriately to concerns of abuse, and encouraging the community to speak up about an issue that thrives on silence. Our collaboration with schools and families is a cornerstone of our outreach and education efforts. Together we can protect children in our community.

(Bellevue, Delaware Primary, Dr. Weeks, Franklin, McKinley-Brighton, Meachem, Montessori @ Lemoyne, Porter, Salem Hyde, Seymour Dual Language Academy, STEAM @ Dr. King, Van Duyn, Webster, Clary, Ed Smith, Frazer, Grant, Huntington, HW Smith, Roberts, Syracuse Latin, Syracuse STEM @ Blodgett, Nottingham, Oasis, PFLA)

Notice of Non-Discrimination 

The Syracuse City School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it is committed to providing equal access to all categories of employment, programs and educational opportunities, including career and technical education opportunities, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, Native American ancestry/ethnicity, creed or religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, disability or any other legally protected category under federal, state or local law.
Inquiries regarding the District’s non-discrimination policies should be directed to:
Chief Ombuds / Student Support Services Officer, Civil Rights Compliance Officer
Syracuse City School District
725 Harrison Street • Syracuse, NY  13210
(315) 435-4131

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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