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Volunteers, Mentors and Community Partnerships

Michael Henesey
Director of Community Partnerships
(315) 435-4982
Volunteer Information
Jessica Noboa
(315) 435-4142
725 Harrison St. Syracuse, NY 13210
Physical Address
Syracuse City School District
725 Harrison Street, Room 204B
Syracuse, NY  13210
Each of us has unique interests, skills, and gifts. Our community is made greater when we take the time to share them with each other!
The Syracuse City School District is always seeking volunteers, mentors, and community partnerships to support and inspire our students. Whether you are looking to partner with us one time, for a short time, or on a regular basis, you can truly make a difference in the life of a child – and the success of our district.

Those wishing to volunteer or become a mentor must be at least 18 years or older and must fill out the appropriate background check application.  
We look forward to hearing from you!

Information for Potential Volunteers

The SCSD welcomes and appreciates community members, parents and families interested in volunteering and serving our students! 

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and will need to complete an application through App-Garden which includes a background check. 
Potential volunteers cannot enter a building nor participate on an offsite field trip until their background check applications have been approved.

Becoming a Volunteer:
  1. Reach out to the office staff/volunteer coordinator of the school you’re interested in volunteering for. 
  2. Provide the office staff/volunteer coordinator: your reason/interest in volunteering, name, phone and email address.
  3. Your information is then referred to the school building administrator for their approval.
  4. With building administrators approval, the office staff/volunteer coordinator will send your information to Jessica Noboa (, Risk Management – HR.  You will receive an email with a link to register and complete an application which includes the background check.
  5. An auto-generated email will be sent to you when your background check application has been approved.  The school of interest checked in the application also receives this information.
  6. Once approved, check with the school for any volunteer/chaperone/mentor opportunities.
  7. Happy Volunteering! Clearance is valid for the current academic school year (July 1st through June 30th).  If interested in continuing the following academic year, a new application will need to be submitted. 
Please reach out to Jessica Noboa by email at or phone at (315)-435-4142 with any additional questions.  
  • Active SCSD employees do not need to apply
  • If you’re interested in a program outside of SCSD that participates with volunteering for SCSD please reach out to the program coordinator of that program directly (ex. Book Buddies, Grandparent Program).
  • Interns for Social Workers/Counselors, please reach out to: Briana Echols (, Dept of Student Support Services – 315-435-4131
  • Student Teachers, Host Teachers Program, please reach out to: Shirley Rowser (, Community Recruitment Coordinator-HR 315-435-4171
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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