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Career Ladder Program

Further your education & progress from entry level positions to higher career levels.
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Click for SU Residency
Click for Urban Fellowship


Career Ladder Program

The purpose of the Career Ladder program is to provide full time employees in units 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 the opportunity to further their education by taking college courses and/or obtaining a college degree in an area of study or discipline that could lead to career advancement within the District. Employees must be accepted in a District approved program leading to a degree.

Click for Career Ladder Application

A. Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree: Employees can receive up to 12 credit hours of paid tuition per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) at the current State University or New York or Community College tuition rates. The District covers only tuition. Any associated fees, grades that fall below the contractual agreement, dropped courses that incurr charges and text books are the employees’ responsibility.

The total cost to the district for Units 6 and 9 cannot exceed $10,000 per unit, per year and Unit 11 cannot exceed $15,000 per year.

B. The District will pay tuition costs directly to the college/university as long as the employee maintains a B average for graduate courses or a C average for Units 6, 8, 10 & 11 for undergraduate courses.  Unit 9 must maintain a B average for graduate courses and undergraduate courses.

If a B/C average is not maintained the employee must reimburse the District the amount the District paid the college for that course or pay for his/her next college course. If the employee maintains the appropriate B/C average on a subsequent course he/she must submit the transcript and receipt for the course to the Career Ladder Coordinator for reimbursement at the SUNY or community college rate. The employee will be eligible to have future tuition costs billed directly to the District upon completion of either process.

C. To remain eligible for the Career Ladder the employee must submit final grades for each course to the Career Ladder program.

D. Procedure: Direct Pay: The Employee must complete the Application for Approval of Direct Pay and submit it to the Career Ladder Coordinator for approval. If approved, he/she will be given a letter to the Bursar (a voucher) that must be submitted to the college. The College/University will then bill the District directly.

Reimbursement: The District will reimburse full time employees tuition cost at any accredited college or university up to the SUNY rate. The employee must submit an Application for Reimbursement, transcript with final grade of at least B for graduate or C for undergraduate courses (B for Unit 9 employees), and proof of your payment receipt.

E. If you transfer into a bargaining unit not eligible for career ladder benefits or you are no longer employed by the SCSD before the class begins, the SCSD will not be responsible for tuition.

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbaticals are available for those members of Unit 8 and 10 for whom it is necessary to take a leave to complete an education program. Applicants requesting a sabbatical must have at least three years of continuous service in unit 8 or 10 and be in good standing in personnel.

  • The district will direct-pay tuition up to 15 credit hours (graduate or undergraduate) per semester at the current SUNY rate.

  • There are six full time sabbaticals available for unit 8 members and three full time sabbaticals for unit 10. If there are more applicants than sabbaticals available the more senior applicants will have preference.

  • There are three sabbatical leave options which are outlined in the Units 8 and 10 contracts:

    1. Full year at full pay and benefits. If this option is chosen, the employee is required to work the equivalent of twenty (20) weeks of full time assigned work. Six (6) week must occur prior to sabbatical leave (time to be negotiated between employee and district). A letter outlining your half-time work arrangement, signed by your supervisor, must be submitted prior to sabbatical leave.

    2. Full semester (5 months) with full pay and benefits. If this option is chosen there will be no work obligation during sabbatical leave.

    3. Full year at half-pay and benefits, no work obligation. If this option is chosen there will be no work obligation during sabbatical leave.

  • Employees who have received a sabbatical leave must work a minimum of five (5) school years for the District subsequent to the leave. If the employee is capable of, but does not wish to continue employment in the District for the five year period, the employee must reimburse the District for all salary paid during the sabbatical leave.

  • If the employee receives a verified job offer from another employer and is not offered a position by the District for which they have taken the sabbatical, the employee will be released from any salary reimbursement requirements.

Letters requesting sabbaticals must be submitted to Shirley Rowser, Recruitment & Selection at or fax 315-435-4163. Applications for consideration of Sabbatical Leave commencing for the fall semester must be submitted by March 31st. Applicants will be notified of approval by April 30th. Applications for the Spring semester leaves must be received by October 2nd and notification of applicants will occur by November 2nd.

Included with the sabbatical request should be the following:

  1. Official letter from the college indicating:

    1. Acceptance in a district approved program leading to a degree

    2. Outline of courses to be completed

  2. Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate courses completed.

  3. Letter of intent including purpose of leave (i.e. pursuing Masters in Education at S.U.), pay option you are choosing (see above), and acknowledgement of your five year employment obligation to the district.

  4. School you are currently working and your current address and phone number.

The Office of Human Resources has established a set of criteria in determining priorities for awarding Syracuse University tuition credit awards to those in Unit 1 and Unit 2 who are interested in taking classes at SU. At the beginning of each college semester a district committee will review all requests and award the tuition credits.  

Click Here for SU Tuition online application 

1.Individuals that host SU student teachers (must be tenured, highly effective and effective).

2.Individuals taking courses that would fulfill an identified district need.

3.Individuals seeking professional or permanent certification/Masters in their current teaching area.

4.Individuals who are participating in the Urban Leadership Fellows Program.

5.Individuals seeking improvement or growth.

6.Individuals who have demonstrated leadership capabilities through participation on District/School committees, task forces, projects, etc. that led to meaningful outcomes for students.

*Please note that participants in the Syrause Urban Leadership Fellows program with SU will be prioritized for Tuition Vouchers for those seeking a CAS in educational leadership or similar. If an award is not made to an employee, that employee should be prepared to pay for the SU course(s) or be aware of the applicable school drop/add policy.

You may contact Geoffrey Morton at 315-435-4171, if you are interested in hosting a student teacher. Please direct all questions to the Office of Human Resources at 435-4171 or

In order to be considered you must fill out the online application by the specific deadline listed below

Summer Semester
April 1st
Fall Semester
August 1st
Spring Semester
December 1st

Teachers of Tomorrow (TOT) 

The purpose of the Teachers of Tomorrow Program is to provide a variety of incentives that will encourage prospective teachers to teach in a school district experiencing a teacher shortage or subject shortage, especially in districts with low-performing schools.

There are two grant programs for this funding opportunity available through June 30, 2026.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Geoffrey Morton at

TOT - Part One (1) Program

Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program 

PurposeTo provide Incentives to teachers employed for the first time in the District.

  • $3,400 per year and is renewable for 3 additional years;
  • Maximum cumulative award total per participant after four year is $13,600; and
  • Awards are in addition to and are NOT part of the teacher's base salary.
  • Awards are used to reimburse ANY educational costs including books and fees incurred by recipient prior to receipt of award for certification as a NYS teacher.  (Teachers do not need to have a student loan to receive the award.)
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Employed for the first time in the District;
  • Holds initial, transitional, permanent, or professional certification to teach in NYS; and
  • MUST agree to serve one year in a teacher shortage or subject shortage area for each award received.

Summer in the City Internship Program 

Purpose:  To provide funds to attract prospective teachers for employment in one of the Big 5 City School Districts.

  • $2,000 annually and you may participate more than one year.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Are enrolled full-time in a New York State-registered teacher preparation program.
  • Have successfully completed 60 or more college credits.
  • Are in good academic standing (determined by institution of higher education of attendance) at an accredited New York State institution in the base year.
  • Demonstrate the desire to enter the teaching profession and agree to serve one year in a teacher shortage or subject shortage area for each award received as a condition of receiving the award.
  • Are recommended by a college or university to participate in the program because the Teacher Preparation program recommended them as having the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be effective teachers.
  • Agree to a service agreement determined by the Board of Education.

New York State (NYS) Master Teacher Program 

Purpose:  To attract highly qualified, experienced, expert teachers to teach in low-performing schools.

  • Initial Annual award is $10,000
  • Renewable for two additional years
  • Maximum cumulative total of all awards is $30,000
Eligibility Criteria:
  • National Board certified (as determined by The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards);
  • Employed full-time at a receivership or low-performing public school; and
  • Agree to serve up to three years (one year for each award) at the receivership or low-performing school.

Tuition Reimbursement Program 

Purpose:  To reimburse teachers for courses taken toward meeting requirements for professional certification.

  • Up to $700 per course, or the actual cost for an approved course, whichever is less;
  • Initial award may be received for up to three courses ($2,100) ;
  • Renewable for 2nd year, for up to three courses;
  • Initial and renewable awards combined may not exceed $4,200;
  • One-year service agreement for each award given; and
  • Maximum award is $2,100/year or $4,200 for two years.

Eligiblity Criteria:
  • Hold initial or transitional certification but do NOT hold any permanent or professional certification to teach in NYS public schools;
  • Employed full-time for the school year by a District in a teacher shortage area or subject shortage area; 
  • Agree to teach one year in a teacher or subject shortage area; 
  • Teacher still has three courses required for permanent/professional certification; and
  • Recipient has provided satisfactory teaching service in the previous year.

TOT Part Two (2) Program

Tuition Reimbursement for Professional Certification in Science, Mathematics, and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

To recruit and/or retain individuals who have received or will receive a transitional certificate, to teach in a low-performing school, by reimbursing educational costs incurred to fulfill NYS Education Department (SED) requirements for a professional certificate in Science, math or ESOL.

  • Initial award is up to $10,000 per shortage FTE to reimburse for educational costs incurred prior to receiving this award, which were reasonable and necessary to fulfill SED requirements for the professional certificate;
  • Initial awards are renewable for a 2nd year for up to $10,000; and
  • Maximum cumulative award total per participant after two years is $20,000.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Will receive a transitional certificate OR possess a transitional certificate OR possessed a transitional certificate and gained an initial or professional certificate;
  • Will be employed full-time in the district for the school year for which the award is to be made;
  • Agree to teach science, mathematics, or English as a new language in a low-performing school within the District;
  • Attain course credit that is acceptable under a relevant certification pathway; and
  • Received a satisfactory performance evaluation in the previous year, as determined by the District (For Renewal Awards Only).

Tuition Reimbursement for Initial Certification in Science, Mathematics, and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

To recruit and/or retain individuals who have received or will receive a transitional certificate, to teach in a low-performing school, by reimbursing educational costs incurred to fulfill SED requirements for an initial certificate in science, math, or ESOL.

  • $10,000 per shortage FTE to reimburse for educational costs that the participant incurred prior to receiving the award;
  • Initial awards are renewable for a 2nd year for up to $10,000
  • Maximum cumulative award total per participant after two years is $20,000
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Will receive a transitional certificate OR possess a transitional certificate, OR possessed a transitional certificate, gained an initial certificate, and are seeking an additional initial certificate;
  • Will be employed full-time in the district for the school year for which the award is to be made;
  • Agree to teach science, mathematics, or English as a new language in a low-performing school within the district;
  • Attain course credit that is acceptable under a relevant certification pathway;
  • Received a satisfactory performance evaluation in the previous year, as determined by the District (For Renewal Awards Only.)

Tuition Reimbursement for the Bilingual Education Extension 

To recruit and/or retain individuals who have received or will receive a transitional certificate to teach in a low-performing school, by reimbursing educational costs incurred to fulfill SED requirements for a Bilingual Education Extension.

  • $10,000 per shortage FTE to reimburse for educational costs that the participant incurred prior to receiving this award, which were reasonable and necessary to fulfill SED requirements for the Bilingual Education Extension;
  • Initial awards are renewable for a second year for up to $10,000; and
  • Maximum cumulative award total per participant after two years is $20,000.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Will receive a transitional certificate OR possess a transitional certificate OR possess a transitional certificate OR possessed a transitional certificate and gained an initial or professional certificate;
  • Have received or will receive a Bilingual Education Extension;
  • Will be employed full-time in the District for the school year for which the award is to be made;
  • Agree to teach in a bilingual education assignment in a low-performing school within the District, as a condition of receiving the award;
  • Attain course credit that is acceptable under a relevant certification pathway; and
  • Received a satisfactory performance evaluation in the previous year as determined by the District, as a bilingual education teacher (For Renewal Awards Only).


Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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