Pension Plan/ Investment Opportunities
NYS Pension Plans/Investment Opportunities: |
Civil Service EmployeesThe New York State Employees' Retirement System (NYSERS) covers more than 600,000 workers from state and local governments. As a member of the NYSERS, employees are entitled to a defined pension benefit based on their years of service in the public sector plus their final average salary. |
OMNIIs the District's 3rd party administrator for the 403(b) and 457(b) retirement plansStart/Change Contributions 403 B List of Approved Vendors NYS 457 Plan |
Instructional EmployeesThe New York State Teachers' Retirement System (NYSTRS) manages the fund from which NYS public school teachers and administrators receive retirement benefits. Their mission is to provide members with a secure pension. |
403B Plan DocumentationSCSD 403(b) Retirement Plan Document403(b) Plan Adoption Agreement IRS Plan Document Approval Universal Availability Notice |