CTLE Requirements
SCSD employees (professionally certified, Level III Teaching Assistants, School Administrator/Supervisor, School Building leader, School District leader, School District Administrator, School District Business Leader or School Business Administrator) are responsible for keeping and maintaining a record of CTLE hours. CTLE must be taken by a CTLE approved provider (school districts, BOCES, Universities and Colleges, Teaching Centers).
Acceptable Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE)
Acceptable CTLE must be taken from a sponsor approved by the Department.
Acceptable CTLE shall be study in the content area of any certificate title held by the individual or in pedagogy, and include any required study in language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners as described in section 80-6.3 of Commissioner’s Regulations.
Acceptable CTLE must be conducted through activities designed to improve the teacher or leader’s pedagogical and/or leadership skills, targeted at improving student performance, including but not limited to formal CTLE activities. Such activities shall promote the professionalization of teaching and educational leadership, as applicable, and be closely aligned to district goals for student performance.
Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Recordkeeping Requirements
CTLE certificate holders shall maintain a record of completed CTLE, which shall include: the title of the program, the total number of hours completed, the number of hours completed in language acquisition addressing the need of English language learners, the sponsor's name and any identifying number, attendance verification, and the date and location of the program. Such records shall be retained for at least three years from the end of the registration period in which the CTLE was completed and shall be available for review by the Department upon request. Completion certificates are not to be submitted to the Office of Teaching Initiatives unless they are requested.
*Uploading your hours is not required at this time.
This and more information can be found here: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/resteachers/ctle.html