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Academic Programs at Syracuse Latin
Math The Syracuse Latin School will use the Next Generation Learning Standards and the Eureka Math modules in elementary grades and Illustrative Math in middle school to guide mathematics instruction.
Students are instructed using a workshop model approach, which consists of a warm-up, mini-lesson, centers and closing. Additional math projects based on student need and interest will be assigned that will enhance and extend the modules.
Science The Syracuse Latin School will use the Next Generation Science Standards to guide science instruction. Science is integrated into the ELA and Math blocks and students also participate in at least one science lab per week. In addition, teachers incorporate the FOSS curriculum to provide inquiry-based scientific learning. The Syracuse Latin School is participating in the Math-Science Partnership (MSP) grant and has also partnered with Baltimore Woods Nature Center to provide on-site science lessons.
Language Arts
The Syracuse Latin School will use the Common Core standards and the Core Knowledge program to guide literacy instruction in grades K-2. The Core Knowledge program utilizes rich inter-disciplinary content to teach fundamental reading skills. Teachers in 3rd - 5th grade will utilize the SCSD ELA curriculum and the Lucy Caulkins Units of Study for writing. Students will also participate in targeted small-group reading instruction each day as part of the literacy block.
Social Studies The Syracuse Latin School will use the SCSD K-5 Framework for Active Citizenship to guide the integration of social studies content. Social Studies will be integrated into the ELA block and teachers will utilize the Social Studies Alive! resource as well as the Core Knowledge program to support our integrated approach to social studies instruction.
Music All students will participate in music instruction one day per week for 40 minutes.  Students learn about music through lively activities including listening, writing, singing, and moving to music. Children's books, manipulatives, and singing games are incorporated into music lessons to help children learn basic music (vocal and instrumental) skills. The music teacher will coordinate with the other special area teachers on projects, presentations and performances.
Art Kindergarten and first grade students will participate in art instruction one day per week for 40 minutes. The art teacher will coordinate with the other special area teachers on projects, presentations and performances.
Spanish All Syracuse Latin School students will receive Spanish instruction as part of their related studies throughout the week. The course focuses on verbal and written Spanish language development and cultural understanding of Spanish speaking nations. The Spanish teachers will collaborate with other teachers on inter-disciplinary projects and experiences.
Library The Syracuse Latin School has a large library that all students will have the opportunity to visit. Our librarian will work with teachers on research projects, computer coding and robotics. Students will also be able to check-out books that are of interest to them.
Computer Lab The Syracuse Latin School has access to computer labs. Teachers will incorporate computer lab time into the instructional day based on the needs of specific projects and assignments. All classrooms also have student desktop and laptop computers as well as  iPad carts.
Physical Education The Syracuse Latin School students will participate in physical education two times per week in grades K-3 and three times per week in 4th - 6th grade. Physical activity is extremely important to the education of the whole child. It is important to ensure your child wears closed-toe shoes/sneakers in order to participate fully.
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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