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Talking Points Instructions

This is a photo of the Talking Points logo - two comment boxes with the text 'talking points' below them.The Syracuse City School District is introducing TalkingPoints to all of our families. TalkingPoints is a free parent-teacher messaging app with translations in English and over 100 other languages. We will use TalkingPoints to communicate with you through a mobile app or text messages in your home languages.

You can expect an initial text message from us:

Hello, this is a message from <School Name>. To receive updates about your child, please download the app:
You can also reply here or text 'goodbye' to unsubscribe. Thank you!

To complete your sign up, follow these steps:
  • Once you have downloaded the app, you will be prompted to enter your phone number.
  • The system will send you a text message containing a code. Enter that code in the app.
  • You are all set to get started! 

If you have questions or trouble accessing Talking Points, please contact Lyda Ragonese at (315) 435-4927.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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