Brighton Academy Tiered System of Supports
Krystal ColemanTier 1 Universal Supports |
Schoolwide and classroom practices that promote the development and practice of pro-social behaviors, self-discipline, habits of learning, and healthy well-being. |
Rickey Gregory Dignity Act Coordinator |
Alexis Jackson Dignity Act Coordinator |
Flaynesha Rashad_Freeman Student Support Center Staff |
Jacob Quilty-Koval/Monica Shaw School Counselors |
Sanar Bolds Family Program Aide, Office of Family Engagement |
Tier 2 Targeted Supports |
Coordinated supports that match students’ social, emotional, and mental health needs to address the root cause of an issue. |
James Chaplin PromiseZone Specialist |
Agnes Sageer Special Education Liaison |
Alexis Jackson Social Worker |
Mary Kelly Social Work Assistant |
Krystal Coleman Section 504 Administrator |
Krystal Coleman Section 504 Liaison |
Tier 3 Intensive Supports |
Intensive, specialized support. |
Amanda Brownell Mental Health Clinician, Liberty Resources |
Michelle Haskins Family Support for Student Success, School/Family |
Jackie Guglielmo Access School Liaison |
Nicole McMillan School Psychologist |
Aziza Mohamed/ Aduke Watts-Branch Youth Development Specialists (Contact) |
Rashada Barnett HOPE Specialist |
Aleza Shanahan Hillside Youth Advocates |
Ruby Blount/ Jordan Washington/ Kheyaire McMullen Street Addiction |
Uniques Works Peaceful Schools |