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SIRP Officers

Sgt. Eric Gerace 
Contact Info
(315) 442-5135

It is our belief that children are our community’s most valuable asset, and the safety of our students and staff is a priority for the Board of Education and the Syracuse Police Department. The partnership that exists between the School Resource Officer (SRO) and the school community – students, staff and parents – contributes to the safety and security of the school environment.

SRO’s are active, fully-equipped, certified law enforcement officers from the Syracuse Police Department. They work with school administrators and staff to assist with the development of procedures designed to provide a safe, positive and productive learning environment. SROs have specific roles with the school. First and foremost, it is their role to protect students and staff. They are also in a unique position to provide guidance to the students and staff on law-related issues and to make referrals to the proper agencies when follow-up is required. They support the educational mission of the SCSD and serve as positive role models.

If you have concerns about contact your child has had with an SRO, please use the links on the upper right hand side of this page to submit the appropriate paperwork. 

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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