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PSLA at Fowler Students Participate in ‘Block Blitz’

This is a photo of a group of PSLA at Fowler students and city officials posing for a photo in front of a tree.A group of NJROTC students from PSLA at Fowler volunteered to spend a fall day taking part in the 2019 Block Blitz, organized by Home Headquarters Syracuse. The students helped work on vacant houses, rental properties and empty lots, where they helped make improvements to benefit the entire neighborhood, including painting, brush cleanup and gardening and more.
“I wanted to help the community,” senior Cheyenne Sinchico said of her volunteer efforts. “I enjoyed painting the houses – I’ve never painted before. The NJROTC program has taught me the importance of leadership, discipline and helping others.”
“My family has volunteered for things like this, but I usually can’t do it because I’m in school,” junior Andrea Sevilla explained. “When I heard about this, I knew I wanted to do it… and I really liked it! At one house, the people were inside when we were working. They came outside and they cried when they saw what we did. It was heartwarming and felt good to do something to help the community. So much of what we see on the news is negative. In NJROTC, they give us so many opportunities to help our community in a positive way!”
Great work, PSLA at Fowler scholars!
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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