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4th Quarter Grading Procedures Update

SCSD families should have received third marking period report cards recently in the mail.  If your child received an I-Incomplete for a course grade in the third marking period, he or she has until May 29, 2020 to hand in any work needed to improve their grade from I-Incomplete to passing.  If there are circumstances preventing your child from getting in their work completed by the May 29th deadline, please contact the teacher directly and develop a plan for an extension.  

Fourth Quarter Grading Procedures

Elementary Grading Procedures (Pre-K - Grade 5)

The fourth quarter grading procedures for our elementary students in grades PK-5 will have students continuing to receive report cards with scores using the current system. We have added the option for teachers to give a NI-Not Enough Information, along with comments from teachers. 

Secondary Grading Procedures (Grades 6-12)
Secondary students in grades 6-12 will receive a traditional numeric score (0-100) or I (Incomplete) for the work completed during the fourth marking period. The final grade for the course will be one of three things: PD (Pass with Distinction), P (Pass) or I (Incomplete).  PD is for students with a numeric grade of 85-100, P is for students with a 65-84 and I is for those with 64 or lower.  Students who earn a PD or P for a final course grade will receive course credit.
Students receiving an Incomplete will be recommended for summer school in order to earn credit. These students will also be provided every opportunity and support possible to submit work over the summer in order to earn a passing grade for the 2019-20 academic year. Additional credit recovery options and supports will be considered for the next school year as needed, up until January 2021.
All Regents exams, including the August exams have been cancelled for the 2019-2020 academic year. Any student taking a Regents course that passes the course will receive Regents credit.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress or grades, please contact their teacher or the school principal.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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