Field Trip to the Everson
MBES 5th Grade Scholars visit the Everson Museum. Thank you to MBES art teacher, Ms. Ball and all of our 5th grade teachers for making this event possible!
5th Grade Visits Everson Museum
SCSD District Office | (315) 435-4499 |
Superintendent - Anthony Q. Davis, Sr. | (315) 435-4161 |
Deputy Superintendent - Pamela Odom | (315) 435-4161 |
Chief Academic Officer - Britt Britton | (315) 435-5844 |
Chief Operations Officer - Robert DiFlorio, Ed.D | (315) 435-4161 |
Chief of Student Support Services - Laura Kelley, Ed.D. | (315) 435-4131 |
Chief Information Officer - Timothy Moon | (315) 435-4281 |
Chief Human Resources Officer - Scott Persampieri | (315) 435-4212 |
Chief Financial Officer - Michael Puntschenko | (315) 435-4826 |
Chief Engagement Officer - Monique Wright-Williams | (315) 435-6459 |