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Classroom Spotlight: Henninger Forensic Science

This is a photo of a student's crime scene in a shoebox project.It’s a snowy afternoon, and a young woman gets off the bus and walks toward her front door. Suddenly, someone pours hot water on her from the roof – causing an icicle to fall and stab the young woman in the chest.
This isn’t the plot of a crime show… it’s the crime scene dreamed up by Henninger junior Trina Nguyen. As part of her Forensic Science class, Trina and her classmates were tasked with creating a Crime Scene in a Shoebox – including a victim, location, and multiple pieces of evidence. Then, they were challenged with examining their classmates’ creations to hypothesize what happened, based on the scene and the evidence provided.
“I had a dream about this,” Trina shared. “I was the bus driver! I like watching crime and action shows, so I was interested in taking Forensic Science. I’m interested in becoming either an ultrasound technician or a lawyer one day, but I have always been someone to ask lots of questions and try to problem solve! Forensics is a really investigative, hands-on class. I’m a hands-on learner, so these projects are so much fun. So many people could be good at Forensics… you just have to be open-minded and have lots of theories!”
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Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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