Meet the ITC Class of 2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian!
We are so proud of all of our hardworking soon-to-be #SCSDGraduates in the SCSD Class of 2024! Today, meet the top performing students at ITC - Valedictorian Miranda Azemi and Salutatorian Angelina Grevi. Stay tuned this week as we feature the top performers from each SCSD high school!ITC Valedictorian Feature – Miranda Azemi
What are your plans after graduation (what college, what interest in terms of major)? I’ll be attending Cornell, where I’m going to study Biological Science. I’ll be on a pre-med track, and I hope to become a family physician one day. My family has struggled with health issues, and I want to be one of the ‘good’ doctors. We need more than just smart doctors – we need doctors who are compassionate as well.What activities have you been involved in outside of class/outside of school? I spend a good deal of my time volunteering. I’ve tutored former refugees and immigrants, and I’ve volunteered at the Food Pantry. I believe that if you have the privilege, everyone should volunteer. I was also on the Varsity Volleyball team.
What has been the best part of your high school career and why? The opportunities I’ve been gifted by my teachers, the SCSD, and the community have been the best part. I know that my district and my teachers want to see me thrive, and I feel like that is rare.
What was your proudest moment in high school? Getting into Cornell! It’s my dream school. I was also so proud when I created a Rube Goldberg machine for my Physics class. It was out of my comfort zone to create something hands-on like that, so when I was successful, it showed me that I can do anything… and it sparked my interest for future engineering projects!
What are you most looking forward to about college? I’m looking forward to so much! Cornell has beautiful hiking trails, and they have pre-orientation camping (I’ve never been camping before)! I’m also looking forward to being surrounded by other people who are going to push me to be my absolute best.
What’s the best thing you’ve learned over the course of your time in the SCSD? It’s okay to go outside your comfort zone. My biggest fear is of public speaking. I took a public speaking class. I’m scared of heights. I’m going skydiving this summer. Push yourself! Try new activities and allow yourself to branch out so you can be good at more than just one thing.
What advice would you give to other students as they continue their studies here? Surround yourself with people who will better you. Don’t settle for what’s fun but do what will set you up for success!
What is something major you hope to achieve in life? I want to open my own clinic to serve refugees and immigrants. My parents were former refugees, and I want to make sure that people in those situations have the opportunity to be healthy – that there is no gap in their care.
ITC Salutatorian Feature – Angelina Grevi
What are your plans after graduation (what college, what interest in terms of major)? I’ll be attending Syracuse University to study Broadcast Journalism or Visual Communication. My goal is to work in sports – ideally, as a baseball or hockey announcer, photographer, or sideline reporter.What activities have you been involved in outside of class/outside of school? I’ve participated in the Syracuse Journalism Lab, I’ve done filming for some mental health baseball clinics taking place locally, and I’ve done sports photography for our school – in addition to working at Wegmans.
What has been the best part of your high school career and why? Junior year, we were fully back after COVID and I was able to return to the Media program and have access to the studio. I ran with that and I’ve never stopped! That experience started my career – it changed my path and solidified my interest in a career in sports.
What was your proudest moment in high school? In 2023, I won the Sherri Taylor First Amendment Award at the Empire State School Press Association (ESSPA). It was the first time the award was given, and it is an anti-censorship award. I received it for my story on Lockdown Drills that ran in The Daily Orange. That was a big deal to me. We were the only City school there and we took home a lot of awards – it was my first really big journalism award.
What are you most looking forward to about college? I’ve always been so connected to SU. My dad took us to games, he took some classes there. I’ve been on the campus so much – I’m excited to finally be a student there… at one of the best broadcasting schools in the country!
What’s the best thing you’ve learned over the course of your time in the SCSD? Everything pays off in the end. Also: not everything you do is for the client. At the end of the day, you gain experience from everything you do. Work toward something that you’re proud of!
What advice would you give to other students as they continue their studies here? There are so many opportunities. Don’t be scared to try. Don’t be afraid to fail. If I said no because I was scared, I wouldn’t be here where I am. Say yes, and a million doors can open to you. My advice is: give it a shot. You’ve really got to take that risk.
What is something major you hope to achieve in life? It’s easy to say you want your name to be recognizable – but it’s not easy to get there! I want to be a prominent media figure, like Mike Tirico or Michael Kay – but I want to do that and still be seen as Angie – as myself.