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Superintendent's Parent Council

In the Syracuse City School District we recognize that parents play a vital and important role in the education of their children. In an effort to help keep parents informed while increasing parent and family engagement we convene the Superintendent’s Parent Council (SPC) once a month.

The SPC offers parents an opportunity to meet with the Superintendent and learn about initiatives and programs in the district.  Parents provide the Superintendent with valuable feedback and input concerning district-wide and school-related opportunities and challenges.  They also help to advise the Superintendent and act as ambassadors for their schools by sharing what they learn with other families and community organizations. 

Parents are integral to student success and we need to continually seek their input.  Through the sharing of ideas and making recommendations in support of the enhancement of the district, we are closer to accomplishing our vision of becoming the most improved urban school district in America.


Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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