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Strategic Plan

Kids First, Period




Improve a Sense of Belonging
for All  


Increase Student Proficiency
in Literacy and Numeracy


Establish a Culture of Learning
and High Expectations

Please click here to see our plan for Kids First, Period plan and quarterly goals. 

1. Improve sense of belonging for all


A sense of belonging means that every individual feels accepted, respected, included and supported.


When individuals feel they belong they are more energized, motivated, spend more time on task, and choose to be in environments that challenge them and help them grow.



Ensure at least 70% of relevant parties complete a sense of belonging survey. Improve positive responses from beginning of year to end of year of at least 10%.

2. Increase student proficiency in literacy and numeracy


Proficiency in literacy and numeracy means that students are reading, writing, listening, speaking, and solving math problems on grade level across content areas.


Grade level proficiency in literacy and numeracy prepares students for any pathway they choose post graduation. This preparation is the core work of school districts.



Decrease the number of students performing at the lowest level by 10% in literacy and numeracy. Simultaneously, increase the number of students proficient or above by 15%.

3. Establish a culture of learning and high expectations


A learning culture is a mindset, a set of practices, values, and policies within an organization that facilitate the continuous improvement of students and staff. High expectations are believing that anyone can be successful.


Students perform better when they are expected to do so. We disrupt historical inequities when we have high expectations for all students, including historically marginalized populations. A culture of learning and high expectations must be shared by all relevant parties throughout the community.


Everyone can articulate a common definition for a culture of learning and high expectations.

Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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