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Our Reopening Fall 2020 Plan

Reopening Plan 2020 > Social-Emotional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning

The social emotional well-being of our students is a top priority. SCSD is committed to giving staff the resources and training necessary to respond to the immense trauma COVID closures have had on our students and to communicate at-home supports for parents and families. SCSD will ensure that existing wraparound services and supports will continue whether students are in school or participating in remote instruction and that social emotional learning (SEL) will be a key component of reopening plans. 


Assessing Student Readiness to Learn

The analysis of data, consisting of the analysis of the panorama surveys administered to students and families prior to the March 16 closure and during the spring will be disaggregated centrally and trends will be highlighted in narrative form as well as through graphs and distributed to school teams through Office 365, can be conducted using the School Leadership Team or Discipline/School Climate Team, then funnel through the Intervention Team.
  • SIT plans to support students at multiple tiers.
  • Identify Multi Tier System of Support by School
  • Offer wraparound services to support students and families with essentials through Multi Tier Systems of Support.

Building Community

Build in morning meetings at K-8 level, in the master schedule for in-person, in the virtual schedule for remote. Build time for community/connection in high school in the master schedule for in-person, in the virtual schedule for remote. Survey students and families to determine access to devices and internet. Prioritize distribution of devices for district (including assistive technology needs (Top)

Family Support

Schools will create both in person and online family engagement options for parents to choose. The Office of Family Engagement will support schools with resources to increase engagement options for parents. Communication with families will be given through multiple means in the languages spoken by families.  (Top)

Response to Trauma

Student Support Services will provide schedules for schools to have staff/school partners sign up for Trauma Informed Practices for Educators (TIPE) PD.The Teaching and Learning Department will provide guidance to school teams in the creation of SCEPs. Executive Directors will review SCEPS to be sure action steps are included that address trauma.The Office of Family Engagement and Students Support Services (SSS) departments will work together to create forums for students/families/staff to share how they are doing. SSS will provide an SEL tip of the day/week to schools and families.Each school will address how it will provide resources and referrals to address mental health, behavioral, and emotional support services and programs.The district will address professional development opportunities for faculty and staff on how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency as well as provide supports for developing coping and resilience skills for students and staff. (Top)

Social-Emotional Learning for Students

Build in morning meetings at K-8th grades or community/connection in 9-12th grade in the master schedule for in-person, in the virtual schedule for remote.District will establish an advisory council, shared decision-making, school climate team or other collaborative working group comprised of families, students, members of the board of education, school building leaders, and community based service providers including social workers and/or school psychologist to inform the comprehensive developmental school counseling program plan.  (Top)

Special Education

The district will provide schools with the guidelines to ensure that all students with disabilities remain protected and safe while being instructed. The programs and services offered will be documented and provided to students with disabilities as well as communications with parents.

Meaningful parent engagement will occur in the parent’s preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of services to his/her child to meet the requirements of the IDEA.The committees on preschool special education (CPSE) and committees on special education (CSE) and program providers will collaborate and share resources.  (Top)

Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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