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Health & Safety

Staff, Student & Visitor Screening

Parents/guardians are expected to screen their children using this Daily Home Screening Checklist for Students prior to sending them to school. The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is a top priority. Before entering any District building, visitors must attest to the statements below. 

A temperature scan will be required upon entry as well.  

1. Wear a Face MaskFace Covering

I am aware of the CDC recommendation and the District’s requirement to wear a face covering or mask while on District property. Please follow CDC recommendations on appropriate masks and coverings.

2. Fever-freeThermometer

I have checked my temperature and do not have a fever (higher than 100.0 F). Please see information regarding temperature screenings below.

3. Healthy, No Symptoms


I feel well and do not have symptoms of a cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, fever, chills, sore throat, or a new loss of taste or smell.

4. No Recent ExposureVirus

In the past 14 days, I have not been in close contact with anyone suspected or lab-confirmed with COVID-19.

5. Diagnosis or Testing?Test

I am not currently clinically diagnosed as having COVID-19 or awaiting medically-directed COVID-19 test results.

6. Not Quarantined

I have not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a medical professional or local public health official.

7. No Travel

I am aware of the CDC, state and local recommendations or requirements, if any, regarding travel.


8. Clean Hands

I am aware of the CDC recommendation for handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer.


Temperature Screening

All students, families, visitors and staff must have their temperature scanned upon entering a District building. You may wait 15 minutes and retake your temperature if higher than 100.0 F. If your second reading is still over the limit, you will be denied entry.

Fever-free (100.0 F and lower): Entrance is permitted with a reading of 100.0 F and lower. 

Fever (Higher than 100.0 F): If a reading is higher than 100.0 F, entrance into the building will not be allowed. 

Parents or guardians of a student with fever (greater than 100.0 F) should call their child's primary care provider and/or the Upstate University Hospital COVID-19 Hotline: (315) 464-3979. Staff denied entry must notify supervisor by phone, contact the Office of Human Resources at (315) 435-4171 and consult their healthcare provider and/or the Upstate University Hospital COVID-19 Hotline: (315) 464-3979.


Social Distancing

In School: We will follow the guidance from the CDC of maintaining 3 feet of social distancing. Students will be spaced a minimum of 3 feet apart in instructional rooms, cafeterias, and other shared spaces. Because children under age 12 are not eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations, we will continue to use the polycarbonate dividers that were used during the 2020-21 school year at all the schools.

For any activity that causes heavy breathing such as running during physical education class or projecting the voice during singing or playing a wind instrument, students must maintain 6 feet of social distancing.

On the Bus: Pursuant to the CDC's Order, physical distancing is not required on school buses. All persons on the bus will wear a face mask.

Healthy Habits

Face Masks
In the Syracuse City School District, face masks are required at all times for all individuals whether vaccinated or not in indoor facilities, buses and public transportation except for meals and during short mask breaks.  Students who are unable to medically or mentally tolerate a mask are not required to do so. Face masks are not required to be worn outside on school grounds or during outdoor school sports. 

Not allowed: cloth masks with exhalation valves or vents (they allow respiratory droplets containing the virus to escape), neck gaiters or scarves. A face shield is optional as an additional protection but does not replace a mask.

Students should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating food. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Always avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Students should always cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or use the inside of their elbow. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Cleaning, Sanitizing & Air Purification

Cleaning & Sanitizing:
The District follows guidelines by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for cleaning and disinfection and will be doing both daily. If warranted, buildings may be disinfected by custodial staff during non-occupied hours using electrostatic sprayers and/or fogging style applicators with an EPA approved disinfectant.

Custodial staff will be diligent about disinfecting high contact surfaces that could spread COVID-19. Buses will be disinfected after every AM & PM run ensuring high contact spots are wiped down completely. A highly disinfecting spray will be used to disinfect the buses once per month.

Air Purification
The district has purchased two Intellipure Compact Air Purification Systems for every classroom. These air purifiers have a particle efficiency of 99.99% at 0.007 microcon and with its patented DFS technology it removes up to 99% of airborne mold, bacteria and viruses passing through the system. They are ultra-quiet and perfect for the classroom setting. These systems will run 24 hours a day and seven days a week and their filters last for a year. This is an extra precautionary step to provide the cleanest air possible for our students and staff.

Larger air purifier units have been added to libraries,  cafeterias, and large group rooms. The District has also modified HVAC operations to provide for more fresh air coming into buildings and to exhaust more air going out of the buildings. This is a recommended practice from the CDC and increases the air quality. We have also increased the frequency in which we clean the diffusers and coils in our HVAC systems and we have replaced all the air filters in our systems as well. 

When Someone is Sick

If someone is identified by a building administrator or Human Resources as suspected of being ill or is confirmed to have COVID-19, the District will seek direction from the Onondaga County Health Department as well as the CDC’s reopening decision tool. Custodians will disinfect in areas of the building where the person was present and sections of the building or the entire building may be closed for further disinfection or disinfected off hours depending on the circumstances.

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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