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Purchasing Department

Fiscal Officer
Carl Ruediger

Purchasing Director, Onondaga County Division of Purchase
Daniel Hammer
Onondaga County Division of Purchase
John H. Mulroy Civic Center
13th Floor
421 Montgomery Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Contact info
P:  (315) 435-3458
F:  (315) 435-3424


The District's BOVA warehouse facility at 1023 Erie Blvd West is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM to accept vendor deliveries. To schedule deliveries or with questions, contact (315) 435-4422 or (315) 435-5853. 

Accounts Payable

All invoices should be emailed to We ask that you do not mail invoices. 

The Syracuse City School District and the Onondaga County Division of Purchase have entered into an Inter Municipal Agreement consolidating purchasing services effective July 1, 2015.  All inquiries should now be directed to the Onondaga County Division of Purchase.

 Office Location and Mailing
 Onondaga County
 Division of Purchase
 John H. Mulroy Civic Center
 13th Floor
 421 Montgomery Street
 Syracuse, NY 13202

 Purchasing Contact:
 Phone: (315) 435-3458
 Fax: (315) 435-3424

 Monday – Friday
 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
 Ship to Address:
 SCSD Bova Supply Center
 1023 Erie Blvd. West
 Syracuse, NY 13204

 Bova Warehouse Contact:
 Phone: (315) 435-4422
 Fax: (315) 435-4002

 Hours of Operation:
 Monday – Friday
 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Onondaga County Division of Purchase Mission Statement:  The Division of Purchase supports Onondaga County, City of Syracuse and Syracuse City School District operations. Their mission is to provide sustainable and compliant procurement services, a commitment to supplier diversity, and lifecycle management of goods and services in order to support public service operations.

Who Do I Contact with Purchasing Questions?  

For general purchasing questions, contact the Onondaga County Division of Purchase at or (315) 435-3458
Vendor Information and Supplier Diversity (M/WBE)

This section is dedicated to assisting current and potential suppliers.

The District is committed to providing Minority and Women-owned Businesses (M/WBE) with equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the District’s procurement program and to encouraging the participation of M/WBEs and contractors who have demonstrated a commitment to working with M/WBEs. The District's M/WBE participation goals are 30% (18% MBE, 12% WBE).

Procurement is completed by the Onondaga County Division of Purchase on behalf of the District with bid opportunities advertised through Empire State Purchasing Group on BidNet Direct. Vendors can register with BidNet for bidding opportunities or through Onondaga County.

The City of Syracuse also solicits proposals for services on behalf of the District that the City and the District both utilize such as construction, architects, healthcare services, etc. Vendors can register to receive these solicitations through the City’s website.  

Request for proposal opportunities for District specific services are listed below.

Purchase requests are made through the issuance of a formal Purchase Order. Orders should only be filled after a vendor receives a Purchase Order from the District. Payment for goods or services cannot be guaranteed unless a valid Purchase Order has been issued (with the exception of emergency situations).

The Purchase Order number should be included on all correspondence including packing slips, invoices, etc. to facilitate timely payment.

The District requires all vendors to submit a completed IRS Form W-9 "Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification" to the Purchasing Department before transacting business with a vendor. The form is available on the IRS website.

Bid Opportunities and Registration

The Onondaga County Division of Purchase conducts bidding on behalf of the District. All bidding opportunities are posted on the Empire State Purchasing Group's BidNet Direct website at

Vendors and suppliers will need to register on the website and then will have access to bidding opportunities from the District as well as other local New York government agencies.

There is no charge for access to the website.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Opportunities

The Syracuse City School District is currently seeking high quality vendors to provide services for the opportunities noted below. Please review the attached materials for opportunities of interest and respond in accordance with the instructions outlined in the RFP. If you have technical questions relating to the scope of services or questions relating to the RFP process, please contact the designated District staff member identified in the RFP.
All questions must be submitted via email by 3:30pm EST by the date indicated below.
All proposals must be submitted to the address indicated by 3:30pm EST by the date indicated below.

The District is committed to providing Minority and Women-owned Businesses (M/WBE) with equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the District’s procurement program and to encouraging the participation of M/WBEs and contractors who have demonstrated a commitment to working with M/WBEs.
Thank you for your interest in providing services to the Syracuse City School District! 
Current Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI) Opportunities:
  • RFP #SCSD2025-004 - Student ID Card Software Solution Services  
    • Proposal Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
    • Question Submission Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024
    • Scope Summary: Provide student ID card software solution and implementation services.  
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

The District's standard purchase order terms and conditions are included on every purchase order issued. The standard terms and conditions are:

Contact the buyer listed above for any pricing changes exceeding amount(s) shown. IF PRICES ARE HIGHER THAN SPECIFIED, PRICE INCREASE APPROVAL MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SHIPPING OR CREDIT WILL BE TAKEN.

Include PO number on all correspondence (packing slips, invoices, etc). To schedule delivery contact 315-435-4422.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS (by accepting this PO, the Vendor agrees to the terms and conditions as stated)

1. QUALITY. All material furnished on this order must be as specified and subject to our inspection and approval within a reasonable time after delivery at destination. Materials other than those specified in this order must not be substituted without written authority from Purchasing Agent (contact Buyer listed above). Material rejected will be returned at the vendor's risk and expense. 

2. DELIVERY. All materials must be shipped to FOB Destination. We pay no freight or express charges except as indicated on the face of the PO. Delivery must be completed within the time stated on the PO, failing in which we reserve the right to cancel this order and purchase elsewhere charging excess cost to vendor. 

3. PATENTS. It is agreed that goods ordered herewith shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative thereto and that you will define actions or claims brought and save harmless the City and District from loss, cost or damage by reason of actual or alleged infringements of letters patent.

4. TAXES. District is exempt from NYS Sales, Excise and Transportation taxes (Article 28, Section 116 (a-1) of the New York State Tax Law).

5. CHANGES. Conditions or quantities on this order must not be changed by vendor. If not satisfactory, return with your comments to Onondaga County Division of Purchase at or John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 13th Floor, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13202

6. ASSIGNMENT. This Order may not be assigned or sublet without prior written consent of the Purchasing Agent. 

7. INTEREST. In accepting this order, Vendor certifies that no member of the Common Council, Board of Education, or other officer or employee of the District is directly or indirectly interested in this transaction or any profit therefrom. 

8. COMPLIANCE. Contractor/Vendor agrees to comply with the provisions of General Municipal Law Sections 103a and 103b and State Finance Law Section 139B as enacted by Chapter 605 of the Laws of 1959 effective July 1, 1959. In the event the performance of this order constitutes public work as defined in Article 8 of the Labor Law, the Contractor/Vendor shall be bound by all of the provisions of said Article 8, which shall be a part hereof and of the same force and effect as it set forth at length.

9. COMPENSATION. Contractor/Vendor shall comply with the requirements of the New York Workers Compensation Law, as amended, if applicable to the performance of the requirements of this order. Failure to comply renders order void. 

10. APPAREL PURCHASES. In accepting this order, vendor certifies that the apparel was manufactured in compliance with all applicable labor and occupational safety laws, including but not limited to, child labor laws, wage and hour laws and workplace safety laws.

Price Increases

If prices will be higher than the pricing specified on the Purchase Order, prior approval must be obtained from the Buyer listed on the Purchase Order before delivering the goods or credit will be taken and payment will be made at the original price specified on the Purchase Order.

Contact the Buyer listed in the upper right hand corner of the Purchase Order to obtain approval for any price increases before shipping the goods.


NEW: Syracuse City School District Supplier Portal
The Syracuse City School District (SCSD) has a new Supplier Portal SCSDConnect.  SCSD encourages all current and new suppliers interested in providing goods and services to the District to register for a Supplier Portal account.

Click here to register!
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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