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Mathematics Department

Director of Mathematics
Melanie Cifonelli
1001 W. Fayette St.
5th Floor - SCSD Department of Mathematics
Syracuse, NY 13204
Contact info:
(315) 435-4303

SCSD Vision of Mathematics Education

A sound understanding of mathematics is key to a student’s success in our rapidly changing 21st Century society. Our mission is to develop successful mathematicians…where students will become lifelong learners and critical thinkers. This requires high expectations for all students, a consistent implementation of curriculum that is aligned to Common Core State Standards, and teachers using the best research-based instructional practices in the classroom. Our students need to be college and career-ready.

SCSD is committed to providing the best mathematics education for our students. We believe that an understanding of math concepts and application to real-world situations are essential. Our goal is to provide students with opportunities to learn new things. Our classrooms promote a “culture” where asking good questions is encouraged and collaborating with other students is part of the process. We look forward to working with parents, teachers, and administrators as we foster a love of learning math for our students.

More information about what your student will be learning in each grade available here

Curriculum Central Mathematics Information

The Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics emphasize focus and coherence. The standards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early grades, thus enabling teachers to take the time needed to teach core concepts and procedures well—and to give students the opportunity to master them. The standards progress from grade to grade, coordinate with each other within a grade and are clustered together into coherent bodies of knowledge.
Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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