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Transition Programs

Transition Programs

Students receiving special education services are entitled to stay in school until they are 21 years old. As a student approaches the time to leave high school, it is important that preparations for adult life are well underway. The District offers three programs for students to help prepare them for post-school success.

Click for Syracuse University on Campus
Click for Project SEARCH Syracuse
Click for OCC Campus Based Partnership

OCC Campus Based Partnership

1-3 Year program for students aged 18-21

The focus of the OCC Campus Based Partnership is to prepare students to move from high school to the workforce and adulthood. It is a socially integrated program which uses the OCC campus to provide a stimulating, age appropriate environment where students will interact throughout the college community every day. The program follows the SCSD academic calendar.

Program Tour

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Build work skills while tracking hours needed to complete the CDOS Credential (facilities operations, food service)

Academic Skills

Work on functional academic skills to accelerate independence and advance career readiness. Instruction offered by SCSD staff and geared toward student skill level.

Life Skills

Transportation, self-advocacy, healthy relationships, time management, money management

Social Skills

Campus activities, shared spaces, peer mentorships

Career Readiness Outcomes

All students complete this program with practical job experience, resumes, and recommendations based on overall performance. Upon successful completion of required coursework and CDOS hours, students may obtain:

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Certificate

Skills and Achievement Commencement (SACC) Credential

Combined Local Diploma (based on completed HS coursework qualifications) and Career Development and Occupational Studies Certificate

Questions about OCC Campus Based Partnership? Contact us at:

Tara Osvoldik,
Special Education Teacher


Project SEARCH Syracuse at Upstate Medical Center

1 Year program for students aged 18-21

This program is best for students whose goal is competitive employment in the community. Project SEARCH is a vocational training program that prepares students with disabilities for success in integrated, competitive employment. Students participate in three, skill-based internships at Upstate Medical University during the school year. Students are supported by 2 SCSD special education staff members and 1-2 job coaches funded by ACCESVR through ARC of Onondaga’s Employment Options Department. The program follows the SCSD academic calendar.

Program Tour
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3 Internship Rotations

Participate in an orientation to Upstate, interest and career awareness activities, and work on communication, problem solving and other skills

Academic Skills

Begin and end the day as a group in a classroom in Jacobsen Hall to review homework or other important items

Life Skills

Transportation, employability and independent living skills


Career Readiness Outcomes

The students work with a team that includes their family, a special education teacher, a program teaching assistant, a job coach and a vocational rehabilitation counselor to create an employment goal and support the student during this important transition from school to the workplace. Students come out of this program with vocational training and potentially competitive employment within the community. Upon successful completion of required coursework and CDOS hours, students may obtain:

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Certificate

Skills and Achievement Commencement (SACC) Credential

Combined Local Diploma (based on completed HS coursework qualifications) and Career Development and Occupational Studies Certificate

Questions about Project SEARCH Syracuse at Upstate Medical Center? Contact us at:

Christine Gustke,
Special Education Teacher
(315) 373-6518


Syracuse University OnCampus

1-3 Year program for students entering 4th year of high school or later (with moderate to significant support needs)

This program offers students an inclusive non-traditional college experience through audited college course work and opportunities to learn about and from their college age peers. Students will experience viewing themselves as contributing members of a college community and the larger Syracuse community.

Students in this program work on their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and transition goals through activities and experiences on the SU campus. They are supported in these activities by 1:1 or 2:1 teaching assistants, SU students, and a special education teacher. Program students, partnered with SU students, audit classes, gain vocational experience at campus work sites, and participate in social and recreational activities. This program follows the SU academic calendar.

Click here to learn more about the application process.

Program Tour
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SU OnCampus InclusiveU Application 

Academic Skills

Audit classes at SU with modified curricula and alternative assessments

Life Skills

Transportation, self-advocacy, explore vocational interests through volunteer experiences on or near campus

Social Skills

Peer-to-Peer program with SU student partnership


Career Readiness Outcomes

All students complete this program with practical job experience, resumes, and recommendations based on overall performance. Upon successful completion of required coursework and CDOS hours, students may obtain:

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Certificate

Skills and Achievement Commencement (SACC) Credential

Combined Local Diploma (based on completed HS coursework qualifications) and Career Development and Occupational Studies Certificate

Questions about Syracuse University OnCampus? Contact us at:

Michele Krak,
Special Education Teacher
(315) 443-9683

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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