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P-TECH at Corcoran

Program Coordinator
Ryan Terpening
Amber Adams

Executive Director of CTE
Erin Noto
Vice Principals
Dr. Jaime Perez
Eric Vieau
Contact Info
Main: (315) 435-4321
Guidance: (315) 435-5845
Nurse's: (315) 435-4326
919 Glenwood Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13207
School Hours
7:25 AM - 1:59 PM

P-TECH at Corcoran

P-TECH at Corcoran High School is a partnership with Micron and Onondaga Community College in which SCSD students will have the opportunity to participate in this cohesive five or six-year program (9-14), which combines high school, college and career training.
P-TECH is supportorted by the State of New York through the State Education Department P-TECH Grant.

The essential elements of P-TECH at Corcoran are a focus on:

  • High School Diploma and College Degree within five/six years
  • Careers Awareness - Work-Based Learning experiences with business partners
  • Technology Pathways - Program of study in Semiconductor Microchip Technology

How does the work-based learning component work?

Students engage in a wide variety of real-world work experiences with our industry partner Micron, including visits from industry experts, internships, shadow days, coaching and mentoring, and part-time employment.

Key alliances make a powerful impact on the educational experience

P-Tech boasts a faculty of certified teachers using technology rich instructional tools and data systems to inform instruction. Students complete a rigorous curriculum in science, technology and math that enables them to meet all the requirements of a high school regent’s diploma. But beyond this, accredited college instructors deliver an articulated course of study that empowers students to earn an A.A.S. degree in Electromechanical Technology. Added to this is, our industry partner will provide students with professional mentors and coaches, internships and paid employment opportunities for invaluable, real-world work experience. 

Onondaga Community College Logo Corcoran P-TECH logo

P-TECH Resources

Anthony Q. Davis, Sr., Superintendent
725 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
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